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Conductor Atravesando Estación de Servicio Atropella Peatón

Un conductor atropelló a un peatón al cortar camino atravesando una estación de servicio en el sur de Chicago para evitar un semáforo y huyo del lugar de los hechos. El accidente del peatón ocurrió en el mes de Noviembre en la cuadra del 6200 Sur de la avenida California a las 10:15pm. El auto que se dio a la fuga era una SUV roja con un portaequipajes que se dirigía hacia el Norte.

Como abogados de lesiones personales de Chicago, el despacho de abogados Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. ha observado que desafortunadamente este tipo de casos suelen suceder en Chicago. Es muy común que conductores atreviesen las estaciones de servicios para cortar camino, poniendo en peligro los peatones que están caminando en el lote de la estación de servicio o peatones que están caminando en los andenes adjuntos. La policía debería hacer algo al respecto para ponerle un alto a esta práctica. Una idea es de implementar una operación de vigilancia junto a las estaciones de servicio donde este tipo de actividad es común para que los infractores sepan que la policía se está movilizando para ponerle alto a esta peligrosa y estúpida conducta al manejar.

Client Reviews

Someone rear-ended my car last spring and I was injured. Peter and Sofia Zneimer and they staff were professional and were always available by phone. I knew that the insurance of the other driver wasn't very good but they were still able to settle my case promptly and I was satisfied with the money...

Natig M.

I highly recommend the services of Zneimer and Zneimer. I often seek legal advice from them related to my immigration status and way forward. Both Sofia and Peter are very detailed and quick in answering any question. I laud their professionalism and a very efficient team that works for them.

Suman S.

I totally recommend Sofia, she is the best lawyer in Chicago area. She is very professional, very detailed with her work and supportive. She always goes above and beyond to ensure the best outcome. Caring, compassionate and only the best for your family. I won my case because of her professionalism...

Aurel P.

I have dealt with Sofia Zneimer since 2009. She is a great lawyer and has helped me tremendously in navigating the process of green card. She is a great resource to have by your side. She is easy to reach. She responds very quickly, which was very important for me. If she can’t answer the question...

Hemant S.

I called Zneimer & Zneimer after I was rear-ended on the highway. Peter and Sofia Zneimer have been very helpful in dealing with the insurance company and getting money for my car damage. They are also handling my injury case. They answer all my questions and I am always able to reach them on the...

Emil G.

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