Immigration Attorneys
Palatine Auto Crash Lawyer
The Palatine personal injury legal team of Zneimer & Zneimer, P.C. is comprised of auto accident attorneys who represent injured car accident victims, as well as family members of the deceased in such accidents. Our car accident injury lawyers know that the initial concern of those injured is receiving the best medical care possible. Likewise, our wrongful death car accident attorneys, know that a paramount concern to family member(s) of the deceased is ensuring that funeral expenses are compensated in a manner adequately sufficient to allow for proper burial of your loved one. Our injury attorneys have represented residents of Palatine, and other cities throughout the Greater Chicago area. It is our personal goal at Zneimer & Zneimer P.C., to see to it that justice is served.
Cook County encompasses nearly half of all motor vehicle accident injury occurring in the state of Illinois each year. Many of these injuries occur as a result of distracted driving. Illinois recently adopted a ban on texting while driving. Other recent distracted driving related laws prohibit all cell phone usage for any drivers possessing a learner’s permit, drivers under the age of 19, and drivers operating school buses. Additionally, Palestine, in addition to all Illinois cities, currently adheres to a hands-free ban in construction and school speed zones. Often, a negligent driver may fail to acknowledge that such negligence was a result of distraction. However, there may be several ways in which to retrieve proof of such distraction, therefore providing evidence of negligence. Our Chicago auto accident lawyers have the knowledge and resources available to obtain the supporting details essential to your claim. For example, many vehicles, and other fixtures along public roadways have, or sometimes may be required to have, recording devices installed. There may also be other motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists, who might have been witness to the events leading up to the car accident. Phone records provide an additional source through which negligence may be confirmed. Our accident and injury lawyers are familiar with all avenues that must be pursued when seeking to ascertain evidence supporting a negligence claim.
Although regulation on distracted driving is working towards reduction of accident and injury rates in Palatine, and other counties in Illinois, the heavily populated region of Cook County, continues to be a tremendously higher producer of accident related injuries and fatalities. The personal injury attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer, P.C. have a team of lawyers, each experienced in handling a diverse expanse of expertise specific to particular types of car accidents.
At Zneimer & Zneimer, P.C., we support the residents of our Palatine, and feel that you should never have to pay to discuss your legal rights. Contact us at 773-516-4100, for a free personal injury consultation with an Illinois licensed personal injury auto accident attorney today.