Waukegan Dog Bite Lawyer

Waukegan , like most Chicago suburbs has its own set of Municipal Ordinances pertaining to Animals, whether the animal is owned by a Waukegan resident, or simply present within City limits. Waukegan Animal Ordinances are quite detailed, however, as compared to other Chicago suburbs. Animal Ordinances play an important role in the safety and health of the residents of Waukegan, and as such, the dog bite attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer, P.C. support the City’s efforts to reduce nuisance, as well as injury and fatality sustained as a result of a negligent dog owner.

With regard to nuisance, Waukegan prohibits those who own, control, or have possession of a dog, as well as those charged with the responsibility for caring for a dog, from allowing the dog to make excessive noise, in a manner which unnecessarily disturbs the comfort, quiet, peace or repose of any other person in the vicinity. Pursuant to Waukegan Municipal Code of Ordinances, Sec. 4-8, “Excessive noise” means any continued, repeated or habitual barking, whining, crying, howling, whimpering, crowing, or other loud noise common to an animal’s species that occurs repeatedly throughout the day or night, and is louder than the average conversational level at a distance of 50 feet or more. The important distinction in Waukegan’s Code is that a citation may be issued for excessive noise based not only on personal observation by a city officer, but also upon a complaint, which is signed by a witness alleging the occurrence of a violation. The penalty for a violation is Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) for the first offense; Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the second offense; and One-Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for each subsequent offense. Further, each day that a violation continues, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.

Waukegan also has several ordinances regarding the custody, care, and control of dogs. For example, no more than three (3) dogs may be harbored at a time without written permission, which can be obtained by filing a request with the chief police of police. Also, Waukegan prohibits dog owners from tethering their dogs to a stationary object, unless the dog is within the visual range of the animal AND the person responsible remains outside with the dog. In addition to prohibitions against a dog running at large, Waukegan Municipal Code, Sec. 4-41, provides that “it shall be unlawful to fail to restrain a pet from attacking, biting, threatening, or jumping on any person without that person’s consent, unless this occurs in reasonable and proportionate defense of one’s person or property.” Waukegan Ordinances additionally provide for the right of entry of an animal control officer where there is reason to believe that a dog presents a danger to the health and safety of another animal. Examples of such situations include where a dog is believed to have rabies, or was bitten by an animal having rabies, or where the dog is believed to be dangerous, mad, fierce, or vicious.

In situations where a dog has bitten either a person or another animal, it is the responsibility of the owner to notify the animal control police within 24 hours of the dog bite incident. In addition, such dog shall be either placed in the care of a licensed veterinary for a period of ten (10) days, or, upon proof of rabies vaccination, and pursuant to the veterinarian’s approval, may be confined to the premises of the dog owner. However, in cases where the dog has caused serious injury or fatality, Waukegan Municipal Ordinance prohibits such dog from being permitted the option of home confinement. Violation of sections under this Ordinance can result in fines for no less than Three-Hundred Dollars, and in some cases can result in incarceration.

The foregoing is provided as a mere sample of the Municipal Code of Ordinances pertaining to Animals in Waukegan. For a full text of Waukegan’s Animal Ordinances, please click here.

If you, a loved one, or your animal were injured or killed as a result of a vicious dog attack , it is important that you know your legal rights. For a FREE personal injury consultation, contact the Waukegan Dog Bite Attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer, P.C. today at 773-516-4100, or online at our website.

Client Reviews

Someone rear-ended my car last spring and I was injured. Peter and Sofia Zneimer and they staff were professional and were always available by phone. I knew that the insurance of the other driver wasn't very good but they were still able to settle my case promptly and I was satisfied with the money...

Natig M.

I highly recommend the services of Zneimer and Zneimer. I often seek legal advice from them related to my immigration status and way forward. Both Sofia and Peter are very detailed and quick in answering any question. I laud their professionalism and a very efficient team that works for them.

Suman S.

I totally recommend Sofia, she is the best lawyer in Chicago area. She is very professional, very detailed with her work and supportive. She always goes above and beyond to ensure the best outcome. Caring, compassionate and only the best for your family. I won my case because of her professionalism...

Aurel P.

I have dealt with Sofia Zneimer since 2009. She is a great lawyer and has helped me tremendously in navigating the process of green card. She is a great resource to have by your side. She is easy to reach. She responds very quickly, which was very important for me. If she can’t answer the question...

Hemant S.

I called Zneimer & Zneimer after I was rear-ended on the highway. Peter and Sofia Zneimer have been very helpful in dealing with the insurance company and getting money for my car damage. They are also handling my injury case. They answer all my questions and I am always able to reach them on the...

Emil G.

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